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Good Posture Starts Today

Slouching puts extra stress on your spine and the muscles that support your back. In fact, poor posture is responsible for compressing your organs together while also constricting your lungs. Seated or standing, maintaining good posture helps your body run smoother—and with less pain.

Over time, poor posture increases your risk of spinal injury. It can also impact your balance, putting you at greater risk of falling. Good posture, on the other hand, plays a major role in your overall health. It helps improve blood flow, which goes a long way to helping you stay focused and energized.

Here are a few ways to get started today.

1) Simply being mindful of your body and how it feels is a tremendous first step toward making meaningful change. When you are walking or sitting, think about how your posture feels in your current position. Here’s what to aim for: Stand up straight and tall while keeping your feet about shoulder-width apart. Now, keep your shoulders back while pulling your stomach in. Leave your arms hanging down naturally at your sides. Keep your head level and try keeping your weight on the balls of your feet.

2) Sit at attention. Slouching can feel comfortable—but only for a moment. While you are sitting at a desk, keep your feet flat on the floor. If possible, adjust your chair so your knees are at a 90 degree angle. Slide all the way back in the chair. Use a rolled up towel or lumbar pillow to support the middle of your back.

  • DO: Keep your feet flat on the ground and in front of your knees
  • DON’T: Cross your legs
  • DO: Take quick walks
  • DON’T: Let your shoulders round down

If you are driving somewhere or riding in a car, resist the urge to recline your seat back position. A more upright position is better for your posture.

3) Shoes matter. Wearing heels causes your back to over arch. This extra stress can cause intense back pain. Instead of high heels, opt for shorter heels with a wider base.

4) Try core exercises. Just about any exercise is good for your core muscles. But exercise like yoga and tai chi are a cut above the rest. With a focus on body awareness, these types of exercise can work wonders for your core.


Consistency is key

Going from poor posture to great posture won’t happen overnight. However, with mindfulness and practice, you’ll soon be in a much better place.


Telehealth and you

Traffic, waiting room, the other waiting room…Sometimes going to an in-person appointment can feel overwhelming. With telehealth services from Teladoc®, you can see a doctor within the comfort of your own home. Click here to learn more.



Published on: September 08, 2022