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Tips for a Happy, Healthy Holiday Season

Yes, you can enjoy the holidays and still stay healthy. Simply follow these 6 tips to help guide you through your holiday events.

1. Remember to focus on family and friends

The holidays are a time to slow down and catch up with your loved ones. While food may be part of the celebration, focus on quality time together. Play games, volunteer or enjoy fun activities like building a snowman or sledding.

2. Eat sensibly

Just because you’re celebrating the holiday doesn’t mean you have to overdo it. Eat slowly and enjoy the foods that you may only have once a year. Try to eat the same amount of carbs that you would normally eat on a regular day. If you plan on having dessert, cut back on carbs during the main meal. Make sure your portions are reasonable and resist going back for seconds.

3. Bring a healthy dish

If you’re not celebrating at home, offer to bring your own healthy dish to share. If you’re counting carbs, check the recipe’s nutrition facts so you know exactly how many carbs are in one serving.

4. Drink responsibly

One glass of red wine or a beer can add a significant amount of calories to your holiday intake. Avoid drinks that use high-calorie mixers like regular cola, tonic, juice or margarita mix, all of which are packed with carbs and calories. Men should limit themselves to two drinks, while women should have no more than one.

5. Get active

One reason the holidays can be so hard on our weight is the lack of physical activity. It may be a busy time of year but if you don’t break from your regular workout routine and plan on something physical each day, it can be easy. Consider:

  • Training for a local holiday run or walk
  • Starting a pick-up football or basketball game with friends and neighbors
  • Going for a family walk after eating a big meal
  • Offering to clean up after dinner so you get moving

6. Take a step back

Even if you do overindulge, it’s okay. Get back on track with your healthy eating habits the next day.

Published on: November 19, 2015