Emergencies Happen. Here’s How to Prepare

Warmer temps and sunny days are some of the best parts of summer. But as the season winds down, extreme weather patterns ramp up. Keep your family safe and sound with some simple emergency-preparedness tips.
Extreme heat
A heat wave is not to be underestimated. Extreme temperatures can cause heat exhaustion and strokes. Stay hydrated. Check on your neighbors, relatives and friends, especially if they are elderly or live alone. And don’t forget your furry friends. Keep them out of non-air-conditioned vehicles and make sure they have plenty of water as well.
Hurricane season
Whether you live or simply vacation in a region where hurricanes are a threat, you’ll want to have a plan in place to keep the whole family safe.
- For flood prone areas, know your evacuation routes ahead of time
- Make sure everyone in the family knows the plan in the event of an emergency
- Pack a few items in a portable prepared kit, like food, water, flashlights and first aid essentials
Keep an eye on the sky
A sunny summer day outside can quickly turn into an unannounced thunderstorm. If conditions start to look threatening, don’t hesitate to make a move indoors. If a storm produces a lot of lightning, try to avoid using electrical appliances, wired telephones and running water. And if strong winds start to blow, be sure to bring in any unsecured lawn furniture or other items to avoid damage.
What happens if you can’t get indoors?
- Stay away from isolated trees and telephone poles. Avoid wide-open exposed areas, hilltops and rocky outcrops; get down to a lower elevation if you can.
- Stay away from water, wet items and metal objects like wire fences as these are excellent conductors of electricity.
- Make yourself the smallest, lowest possible target. This is best done by assuming the “lightning position:” squat with your feet together, tuck in your head and cover your ears while you wait it out.