Turn Housework into a Workout

Let’s face it, cleaning your home feels like a chore. Making sure everything is clean and organized can easily be a whole day’s effort. So what’s the secret to staying motivated and getting it done? Think of it as a workout. If you use the right technique, housework keeps you moving and using your muscles—just like a workout would.
In order to get a proper workout, you’ll have to make your chores harder. While that sounds like that’ll make your motivation worse, there’s more to it. Physical activity provides your brain with all sorts of benefits and may make you feel better afterward.
Here are some ways to add physical activity to your housework:
- Play fast, upbeat music to help you stay moving and keep your heart rate up.
- Keep your abs flexed to avoid slouching.
- Stretch your muscles by reaching far when you’re disinfecting or dusting.
- Wipe surfaces with large up-and-down motions to strengthen your arms.
- If you feel comfortable, carry baskets of laundry up the stairs to work out your back and arms.
- Use a stepladder to reach higher areas and increase your heart rate.
- Scrub floors and underneath furniture on your hands and knees to strengthen your arms and shoulders.
- Work your legs by doing lunges while vacuuming.
- Strengthen your forearms by pruning overgrown plants and bushes.
- Carry bags of fertilizer to exercise your back, shoulders and arms. Lift with your legs instead of your back.
Before you get started, it’s important to stretch your muscles and warm up a bit. Experts agree that everyone should stretch before and after a workout, yet most people skip this important step. Also, be sure to consult with a doctor before starting a new workout. If you’re looking to get more active, the Online Health Coach can help. You can set health goals and track your progress—eligible Standard and Basic Option members may be able to earn $40 for each eligible goal completed, up to three, for $120 total.*
*You must be the contract holder or spouse, 18 or older, on a Standard or Basic Option plan to earn incentive rewards.