Dealing with Disappointment

Disappointment isn’t something you can avoid in life. Things don’t always go according to plan, like if you can’t take a vacation or your favorite sports team loses a big game. Usually we can get over disappointment, but sometimes it sticks around and affects our emotional well-being. While you can’t prevent it from happening, you can learn to control your emotions and grow from it.
Take a look at your feelingsThe first step to dealing with disappointment is to find out exactly what you’re feeling. When you’re disappointed, you might feel angry, sad, confused—or a mixture of emotions. Sorting through those feelings and the causes can help you manage your emotional health.
Don’t take it personallyIt’s easy to blame yourself for negative life events. Instead, understand that they are a part of life. Blaming yourself for everything can make it tough for you to understand why negative events happened. Accepting that it happened and that it wasn’t all your fault will help you learn from the experience.
Adjust your expectationsSetting unrealistic expectations can set you up for disappointment. After a negative event, ask yourself if you feel disappointed because of what happened or because of your expectations.
Look at the big pictureIn the moment, negative events often feel big and important. Try to reflect on the event, how it affects your life and see if it really is worth feeling disappointed about. Gaining that perspective can help you grow as a person. If you’re feeling really hurt, talking to someone can be a good outlet. Members can connect with a behavioral health specialist and get ongoing support through telehealth. All you need is a phone or computer to get started and make an appointment.