Four Tips to Know About Diabetes Care
If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, you’re not alone. More than 30 million Americans have diabetes (which is about one in every 10 adults). Diabetes can increase the risk of serious medical complications, like stroke and heart disease. However, through proper care and management, millions of Americans are living full and healthy lives.
Here are four important ways to manage diabetes for a healthier you.
1. See your doctor every six months
After you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, it’s important to see your doctor at least twice a year. Make it a habit by scheduling appointments around the same times every year. This will help you stay on top of your treatment and give your doctor a chance to monitor your progress and perform any recommended tests. If you need assistance locating a doctor or a nutritionist to help you with your special dietary needs, please search our National Doctor and Hospital Finder online at or call the customer service number on the back of your member ID card.
2. Get your A1c test at least twice a year
Getting your blood sugar tested regularly is an important tool to help you manage your condition. It’s recommended to get your A1c test two to four times a year. This simple test provides information about your average blood sugar levels over a long period of time. Keeping up with these tests is important. They provide your doctor with valuable information about how your body is reacting to treatments. These tests also help your doctor better monitor your health and give you suggestions tailored specifically to your needs.
3. Take all medication as directed
Your doctor may prescribe medication to help you manage your diabetes. This can include insulin, metformin, SGLT inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor agonists. Take all medication as prescribed each day. If you are having trouble sticking to your medication, don’t give up—there are things you can do. Talk to your doctor about how they can help. When taken regularly, these medications are highly effective in controlling insulin spikes and managing blood sugar level to help you live a healthy and fulfilling life.
4. Make necessary lifestyle changes today
Millions of Americans living with diabetes choose to make lifestyle changes as the first step to help manage their diabetes. Eating a healthy diet, avoiding high-sugar foods and drinks and exercising at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week are all great places to start. You’d be surprised by how much a small lifestyle change can positively impact your condition. Several small changes can add up to big benefits. For example, start taking a small, 20-minute walk every day. Then, gradually increase the length and frequency as you get more comfortable. A dietitian can also suggest smart and easy ways to help you make dietary changes. Use our telehealth services today to receive free nutritional counseling from registered dietitians.
Know we’re here to help. We also have programs that can help you take an active role in managing diabetes.
● Diabetes Management Incentive Program
The Diabetes Management Incentive Program is designed to help educate and support members who want to take an active role in managing their diabetes. Eligible members1 can earn up to $100 on their MyBlue® Wellness Card by participating in the program. These rewards can be used to pay for qualified medical expenses, such as copayments and prescriptions.
● Diabetes Management Program by Livongo®
The Diabetes Management Program by Livongo is a program included in your plan that provides members with an advanced blood glucose meter, unlimited test strips and lancets and one-on-one coaching from a diabetes coach.2 This free program will help you closely monitor how your food, medicine and physical activity combine to affect your blood sugar—providing crucial health information to keep your diabetes under control.
1You must be 18 or older on a Standard or Basic Option plan to earn this reward.
2You must be the contract holder or spouse, age 18 or older, to receive this benefit.