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Five Tips to Transition Into Fall

As summer comes to a close, it’s time to start getting back into a routine.

During times of stress or change, routines are a great way to be more productive, hold yourself accountable and feel in control. Here are a few tips and tricks to have a smooth transition:


Set a sleep schedule

Set bedtimes and wake-up times are a great place to start with any routine. A bedtime routine has been proven to increase family functioning and improve sleep habits, social skills and academic success. If you have children, one of the best ways to prepare for the upcoming school year is to set a nighttime routine and stick to it.


Get physical

Physical activity is another crucial part of a healthy routine. Search for activities that will fit in with your fall schedule. Whether it’s signing up for a sports team or a visit to the park, physical activity leads to better sleep, better focus and increased happiness.


Bring back reading

Reading can fall by the wayside during the summer but as fall approaches, it’s time to get your brain fired up again. Setting aside some time each day to read is a great way to exercise your mind. Studies show that just 20 minutes of reading per day can significantly improve memory and cognitive skills.

To make reading more enticing for children, incorporate trips to the library and have your kids pick their favorite books.


Navigate lunches with ease

For those with children, now is the perfect time to test out meal options so when school comes around, you’ll have foolproof lunches that your kids love. Plan balanced meals that will fuel your kids throughout the day. Some standout options from are cold cut roll-ups, mini English muffin pizzas and yogurt with fruit and granola.

For those without kids, practice meal prepping some of your favorite dishes for the week.


Be kind to yourself

Transitions are always hard. Set realistic expectations and be patient with yourself even when things don’t go as planned.


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Published on: August 02, 2022